BlackBox Builds

We build Bare bones to you spec and help you design the right machine for the job, always thinking about the future and the budget.


There are enough things to worry about when you are running a business. Let us do what we do best and deliver a solution that works. With our black box you get everything you need to run a business. When you need more power you just get another box to scale out. We utilize vitrual machine technology to bring you an al la carte approach. You buy the hardware once. When you need a service we add it with no addtional hardware cost. Just a one time setup fee for the service.


This is by far the most difficult thing to deal with in any business.  Most companies grow organically and utilize what they know and this encompasses the technologies that they are comfertable with.  We will help unlock the potential of what you already do and bring it to a new level.  For instance there is an everyday mudane task that you do, this take time, time equals money.  We come in and find areas like this and eliminate them using automation and scripting.  Sometimes it is just and organization thing, we come in a bring a better techology in to smooth over the troubled areas.


The work space, it can make or break a busiess if not planned properly.  To many times busnesses run around having firedrills everytime they expand and when things break.  We will help you design and spec a facilty out.  This includes the physical layer: cables, power, cooling, logistics, Network layers: security, subnets, traffic shapping, wireless, Applications: pubiic sites, wikis, web portals.  We take a best practice approach, but understand that budets dictate a lot.  This does not stop us from doing things the right way.  From the start we build with the right blocks.  When the money comes we build it better, and we don’t need to look back.  Scalabitly and uptime will already be built in.